Target Coatings UltraSeal Waterbased Shellac Sealer
Target Coatings UltraSeal-WB� Waterbased Shellac Sealer is a unique, dewaxed shellac formulation ideal for a sanding sealer or stain conditioner on new construction.
When used as a sanding sealer, Ultra-Seal WB Shellac results in the same depth of image and rich tones as alcohol cut shellac, but in a waterbased, non-flammable solution!
The premium, dewaxed shellac resin used allows for topcoating by common finishes including waterbornes and solvent based finishes.
- Ultra Low VOC, Zero HAPS
- Excellent as a sanding sealer for improved topcoat levelling and adhesion
- Useful as a pre-stain conditioner to help eliminate blotching
- Enhance figure and tones of woods like cherry, maple and walnut
- Quick drying (dry to touch in <15 minutes, re-coat in <1 hour)
- Can be wiped, sprayed or brushed
- Non-Flammable
- Excellent Shelf-Life (24+ Months)
- Available in Amber grade.

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