General Finishes Gel Urethane Topcoat
Gel Varnishes are easy to apply, and can be used on vertical and overhead surfaces without fear of runs, drips and sags.
Brushes are not required, just a soft cotton cloth. The Gel Topcoat is tack-free in minutes, and there is no sanding or buffing with steel wool required between coats.
General Finishes Gel Topcoat is recommended for new wood projects and for refinishing antiques.
Average rating 8 out of 10
( based on 1
review )

Gel topcoat
I bought this product for intarsia pieces. It does apply easy but is way to glossy for me, considering its suppose to be satain. I did stir it well with a paint stick. I'll have to fine another product for pieces that I don't want a gloss to. I'm disappointed.